Comunicado importante da equipe ZCore.

01 Aug 2023, 00:56
📢🔊 Comunicado importante da equipe ZCore 🔊📢 Queridos usuários 🙏, gostaríamos de informar a todos que o lançamento do nosso tão aguardado roadmap 🗓️, que estava previsto para hoje, será adiado para a próxima sexta-feira, dia 04 de agosto. 📆 Este roadmap inclui informações cruciais 📍, como as datas de lançamento da nossa EVM (ZCN) 💹 e do nosso novo aplicativo 📱. A razão para o adiamento é que ainda estamos aguardando as datas finais 🕛 de nosso parceiro responsável pelo processamento do nosso novo sistema Pix 💳. Ficamos cientes dessa situação durante a semana 🕰️ e, consequentemente, decidimos prorrogar a publicação do roadmap para garantir que todas as informações fornecidas sejam precisas e completas 🎯. Assim, na próxima sexta-feira, nosso site será atualizado com o roadmap contendo todas as novidades 💡. Sabemos o quanto vocês estavam ansiosos 😓 e queremos pedir desculpas 🙏 por qualquer inconveniente que este adiamento possa ter causado. Agradecemos imensamente pela sua compreensão 🤝 e paciência ⏳, e garantimos que estamos trabalhando incansavelmente 💪 para entregar um produto que esteja à altura das expectativas de todos. Continuem ligados 🔌 e obrigado pelo apoio inabalável 🙌! Equipe ZCore 🚀

Same news in other sources

ZCoreZCR #2555
01 Aug 2023, 00:56
📢🔊 Important announcement from the ZCore team 🔊📢 Dear users 🙏, we would like to inform everyone that the release of our eagerly awaited roadmap 🗓️, originally scheduled for today, has been postponed to next Friday, August 4th 📆. This roadmap includes crucial information 📍, such as the release dates for our EVM (ZCN) 💹 and our new application 📱. The reason for the delay is that we are still awaiting final dates 🕛 from our partner responsible for processing our new Pix system 💳. We became aware of this situation during the week 🕰️ and, consequently, decided to postpone the roadmap's publication to ensure that all provided information is accurate and complete 🎯. Thus, on next Friday, our website will be updated with the roadmap containing all the updates 💡. We know how anxious you all have been 😓 and we would like to apologize 🙏 for any inconvenience this delay may have caused. We greatly appreciate your understanding 🤝 and patience ⏳, and we assure you that we are tirelessly working 💪 to deliver a product that meets everyone's expectations. Stay tuned 🔌 and thank you for your unwavering support 🙌! ZCore Team 🚀
Important announcement from the ZCore team.
📢🔊 Important announcement from the ZCore team 🔊📢 Dear users 🙏, we would like to inform everyone that the release of our eagerly awaited roadmap 🗓️, originally scheduled for today, has been postponed to next Friday, August 4th 📆. This roadmap includes crucial information 📍, such as the release dates for our EVM (ZCN) 💹 and our new application 📱. The reason for the delay is that we are still awaiting final dates 🕛 from our partner responsible for processing our new Pix system 💳. We became aware of this situation during the week 🕰️ and, consequently, decided to postpone the roadmap's publication to ensure that all provided information is accurate and complete 🎯. Thus, on next Friday, our website will be updated with the roadmap containing all the updates 💡. We know how anxious you all have been 😓 and we would like to apologize 🙏 for any inconvenience this delay may have caused. We greatly appreciate your understanding 🤝 and patience ⏳, and we assure you that we are tirelessly working 💪 to deliver a product that meets everyone's expectations. Stay tuned 🔌 and thank you for your unwavering support 🙌! ZCore Team 🚀